If you believe that someone is at immediate risk of significant harm, please contact Police Scotland on 999.

If you have concerns about a child or vulnerable adult, you can contact:

  • East Dunbartonshire Social Work Advice and Response Team - 0141 777 3000
  • Out of Hours Social Work Service - 0300 343 1505
  • Police Scotland (non-emergency) - 101

Gender based violence encompasses acts that result in sexual, psychological or physical harm or suffering, affront to human dignity, including threats of such acts, coercion or restriction of liberty, whether occurring in public or private life.

It is recognised that a majority of this violence is perpetrated by men against women and children. East Dunbartonshire Council aligns with the Scottish Government position on gender based violence as both a cause and consequence of gender inequality. We recognise that men can also be victims of abuse and that it happens in same sex relationships. Using this gendered understanding does not exclude men, but rather recognises that women and children are disproportionately affected by particular forms of violence. We condemn all forms of violence and abuse.

Everyone can play a role in challenging harmful behaviour and attitudes, breaking down gender norms and promoting gender balance in public life such as on boards and in organisations. We welcome opportunities for people of all genders and ages to work together as allies in eradicating gender based violence.

Public and voluntary sector services in East Dunbartonshire are committed to working together to prevent and eliminate gender based violence. Representatives from different services meet as a group called Empowered to:

  • share practice and add value to each other's services
  • highlight gaps and work together
  • effect positive change to the ways that services respond in East Dunbartonshire.

For further information about Empowered and its member services please contact the Community Planning and Partnerships Team on communityplanning@eastdunbarton.gov.uk or by phoning 0300 123 4510.

Gender based violence covers a spectrum of violence and abuse.

Child sexual exploitation
Commercial sexual exploitation and trafficking
Domestic abuse
Honour violence, forced marriage and FGM
Rape and sexual assault
Stalking and sexual harassment