If you think an adult is at risk of harm or something feels wrong, you’re right to get it checked out. If you’ve seen something, say something.

If you believe an adult is being harmed, please contact Social Work so that we can help or call Social Work on 0141 355 2200 (office hours), Glasgow and partners emergency social work service on 0300 343 1501 (out of hours) or Police Scotland on 101 or 999.

The Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007 provides ways to offer support and protection to certain adults who may be at risk of harm or neglect. The Act is about keeping a balance between respecting adults’ rights and taking action, where necessary, to support and protect them. Everyone has the right to live as they wish without fear of harm, abuse or neglect.


Who does the Act say is an 'adult at risk' of harm?
What is meant by harm?
Who can cause harm?
What happens next?