Multi-Agency Training

East Dunbartonshire Joint Learning and Development Subgroup provides a series of multi-agency safeguarding learning and development opportunities including core training courses, additional topic-based courses, events, briefing sessions and conferences.

Our learning opportunities are designed to assist individual agencies to meet their responsibilities to the protection process of both children and adults.

Multi-agency training enables practitioners to work effectively within their own agency and across organisational boundaries. Learning together can make a significant contribution to building mutually respectful and trusting relationships, which forms the foundation of any partnership working.

All training aims to achieve:

  • A shared understanding of roles and responsibilities
  • Improved communication between professionals and others working with adults, children, young people and families
  • Improved assessment, analysis and decision making
  • Improved effective working together based on sound working relationships.

Levels of training

In order to meet the differing levels of training needs across the range of agencies and roles, the courses are targeted according to the level of contact with adults, children and families and levels of responsibility.

If you would like to access our multi-agency training calendar, please contact:  

Children’s Workforce

Adults' Workforce