The work of East Dunbartonshire Child Protection Committee (ED CPC) is engineered by its subgroups to ensure that the identified priorities are delivered.
Each subgroup is chaired by a member of the partnership and has delegated responsibility from ED CPC.
Annual Report, Children's Services Plan and Business Plan
Our Annual Report for the period 2022 - 2023, Children's Services Plan & Business Plan (2022-2025) are available via the links.
The reports detail the work and effectiveness of our Child Protection Committee. We welcome your feedback on the content of the report and would be especially grateful if you could share across your networks.
Joint Learning & Development Subgroup
East Dunbartonshire Child Protection and Adult Protection Committees share a mutual responsibility to ensure that partner agencies are providing appropriate, sufficient learning and development opportunities to support their workforce to effectively safeguard and protect children and adults at risk of harm.
Multi-agency training enables people to work effectively both within their own agency and across organisational boundaries. Training people together can make a significant contribution to building mutually respectful and trusting relationships, which forms the foundation of any partnership working.
The subgroup leads on ensuring the multi-agency training offer is effective in supporting all who work or volunteer with children to safeguard and promote their wellbeing.
The subgroup takes forward the Committee’s Multi-agency learning and development strategy and produces an annual Multi-agency Training Calendar.
Learning Review Subgroup
A dedicated Learning Review subgroup is responsible for overseeing the process of learning from cases where children have died, been significantly harmed or put at risk of significant harm. The subgroup will review cases against the criteria for holding a review in line with National guidance for Child Protection Committees Undertaking Learning Reviews. The subgroup will also consider cases which do not meet the criteria for holding a formal review but have scope for learning around multi-agency practice and procedures.
Joint Public Information & Communication Subgroup
The Public Information & Communication Sub Group provides a cohesive voice, to raise the profile of the Adult Protection Committee & Child Protection Committee in East Dunbartonshire by raising awareness of public protection issues. The group routinely works to improve levels of public awareness, understanding and knowledge of, and confidence in public protection systems.
Management of Information and Self-Evaluation Subgroup
Continuous improvement remains the focus of the Child Protection Committee. This group routinely review and update multi-agency policies, procedures and guidance to support practitioners and managers across the multi-agency workforce to carry out best practice in child protection work including embedding learning from audit activity. A key focus of the group is developing the use of qualitative and quantitative data from the National Minimum Data Set, providing scrutiny and assurance in child protection practice.
Trafficking & Exploitation Subgroup
The focus of this subgroup is to ensure that the Child Protection Committee are compliant with the National Child Sexual Exploitation Group’s Core Component Checklist. The work stream considers child sexual exploitation, child criminal exploitation and trafficking. The group provides clarity on how developments are addressed within current child protection practice.
Child Protection Committees Scotland (CPCScotland)
The National Child Protection Committee Scotland, a national group of professionals who work collaboratively, sharing a wealth of knowledge and expertise to improve the protection of children in Scotland.
The protection of children in Scotland - Child Protection Scotland